Friday, November 24, 2017


August began with baking a cake for Tio BoBo's birthday;) (any excuse to bake a cake...or make dessert of any kind really...)
Then came the hard stuff.  I have a lot of thoughts about this girl going to school, that I'll save for another day.
 (insert crying emoji here)

getting some time in at Grandma's before school started...a hot day. Aunt Lil is awesome, fanning away...

so the house is kept pretty cold here...forts & hot chocolate on a hot Friday

making "Pascal's Pancakes" from the new cook book from Grandma

daddy-daughter nap time

sprinklers, shopkins & a movie day!

Michael came home with 2 of my favorite things one day ^^ 💕
a poem from Ms. Rocha. I tried to read it aloud to my mother-in-law one day...I could not finish 😢

family date

So today was wild and long. Gwinna threw a little tantrum in Wal Mart when she didn't get what she wanted (gum and a cupcake doll), Noelle threw a large rock at my foot, fruity pebbles everywhere this morning thanks to Sia:) the list goes on...
The girls also had so much fun and it was probably the best day for them because I let them get as dirty as they wanted to and then turned the hose on! Sia quickly grabbed it and took over squirting her sisters all over. They LOVED it. Squealing like crazies. I honestly loved it too (in between loads of laundry) and tried to soak in the whole naked scene. They find so much joy in water, sunshine, dirt and just being together - add in some movies and lots of desserts & we are all happy. I love my girlfriends. I truly love getting to be with their little souls all day. It can be insanity a lot of the time but then there are such great moments like Gwinna hugging Noelle tight telling her how much she loves her or Sia closing her eyes as she eats, humming, throwing back her head and making us all crack up...these are the best. 

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