Sunday, January 16, 2022



Meeting baby ASHER!

December journals 

“Grief is the price we pay for love and worth it, a million times over.”
Aunt Ruth “A boy called Christmas”

Yesterday Noelle put a note on the door thanking all of our delivery people for what they do. A man delivered my parents art piece today and she saw him reading it. So happy, even for just that! He then pointed to it and said “that note is very nice by the way.” 
Another man came to deliver packages (UPS) and she also noticed he was reading it. He then took out his own notes and wrote “thank you!! -Mitch” 
And stuck it to our door. 
She was overjoyed that he saw her note & left one of his own behind to thank HER! 
Gratitude. It changes everything. Happier when showing it and also when receiving it. Makes everyone feel good and then continues the happy cycle if we can just continue to hold onto it, in whatever capacity we can. A letter, a smile, a nod, a wave, an acknowledgement, a compliment for a job well done. Goes so so far and NOELLE reminded me of that today. My sweet Noelle who wants everyone around her to always be feeling good & happy. Compassionate soul, she is. Thank you for teaching me this important lesson again Noelle. 
Christmas this year
Noelle Doug the pug theme and rainbow streamers on her door. She loved it. Cupcakes instead of cake. Gmas banana cake instead of funfetti pancakes this year. Sang, did piñata and opened presents. We then watched the Christ child which I would LOVE to make a yearly tradition. I felt we could slow way down (not going to the parents until 10 this year) and the pace of the video even just started our Christmas Day off beautifully. 
Things to note:
DO NOT need to wrap so many gifts for myself next year…or maybe even Michael. Maybe get him one cool big one and 3 smaller….😆
Girls very much appreciated the thoughtfulness behind each gift. Gwinna even said “you really know me mom!” After opening a library card labeling set. 
BUY LESS next year. I think I say this every year and I think I did do less… did not buy me and Michael matching pjs …or the girls Christmas outfits… 😬 
Less decor buying next year. We have plenty.
BUY gifts throughout year … pay more thoughtful. 
Hang snowflake in girls window

Christmas Eve 
Loved seeing dad playing pool as Sia cheered him on🥰

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