My posts, as of late, have only been pictures but since my husband informed me the other day that he is relying on this blog as our family journal I figure I had better write some stuff!
I want to talk about Gwinna! First of! I mean, I have a daughter! I stare at her sometimes and still cannot really believe it. What a miracle she is. All children are, really.
I say the following lines about 7,534 times everyday!
"I love you so much"
"hey girlfriend"
"Oh, you are so pretty!"
"hey my fluffy bunny"
"you're my little monkey girl" and
"Hi Gwinna!"
And less occasionally (but not by much) "oh no! not the hiccups!"
My cheeks hurt at the end of the day because I pretty much smile all day.
I have never kissed anyone's face so much.
I want to hold her as much as I can!!!
(She is sitting with me at the computer as I write this.)
I have never been more forgiving of certain smells and sounds;)
Within the first few weeks of Gwinna's life there was a day that she stared into my eyes and had the sweetest smile on her face...I cried! Not out of sorrow or exhaustion. I cried because I was absolutely overwhelmed that Heavenly Father gave us such a perfect little creature.
She is the sweetest girl.
I am in love with being a mama!
It is the greatest job in all of the universes. I get to read to my Gwinna everyday and I am able to sing to her like I never can to anyone else:) We dance around to Adele and she loves it.
She lets me get my workouts in nowadays and I let her sleep on me whenever she wants to;)
The BEST part about being a mom is seeing my Gwinna with her DAD!
Some of the most beautiful, precious and hilarious moments happen when he is here.
He never fails to make her smile. She loves his talking voice and singing one.
He takes her and changes her diaper when we go to church every time!
He feeds her when I need to go grocery shopping and they constantly cuddle on his bean bag when we are watching our movies and shows.
I love them.
My favorite moments are in the morning in our bed with our fluffy bunny!!!
the sweetest blog ever!!!