Saturday, February 11, 2012

collected quotes of 2011

"Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation." 

"There are too many people on this earth.  We need a new plague."
Dwight Shrute

"Understand other people and you'll begin to be able to understand yourself."

"Habits are easily formed.  It is just as easy to form good habits as it is to form evil ones."
President Joseph F. Smith

"Weird indicates a creative force."
Grandma on "Post Grad"

"...and by the way everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it and the imagination to improvise.  The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."
Sylvia Plath

"Rely on Him heavily."
Elder Holland

"Many seminary students will know this scripture mastery verse: 'Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.' (2 Nephi 2:25)
But we sometimes forget that it's really true.  We are meant to have joy, which means to be genuinely happy, 
in an eternal sense." 

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