Sunday, January 22, 2012

Posts from the past

OCTOBER 30, 2010

grateful yet again...

The quest for nobility continues....
1. The Rexburg temple is right across the street from where I live. A miracle. 

2.) Idaho Skys...

 3.)  I found a jar to put my change in...

 3.) Yes Michael I will miss October...
 4.) My Michael Joe...again...isn't he beautiful....;)

"Gratitude is the sign of noble souls" -Aesop

I have decided to assume the virtue of nobility today and list the top five things I am grateful for in this moment:
1.)  My fiance. Michael Joe Silva. He is probably the only person reading this at the moment and I am ok with that. I love you truly, madly, deeply, passionately and I will forever! 
2.)  Friends - borrowed tie dye shirts:)
3.) The sun
4.) Yoga
5.) Taco Bell

SEPTEMBER 29, 2010


It is so precious. There is so little of it.  My advice is to be calm in the midst of not having enough of it. Mind you, this is advice to myself.  Life is busy at the moment.  I am a student. I know that I have plenty of time in comparison to those further along in life.  I am grateful for every moment of the matter what I am doing.  Tonight I get to go to a yoga class and revel in 50 minutes of relaxing and stretching my body with nothing on my mind.  Beautiful. I am grateful for time....

SEPTEMBER 24, 2010

A journal?

Is that what these are for? I love the idea. The movie Julie & Julia, my sisters Andrea and Lanette, many other friends, and the lack of time to sit down and physically write in my journal nowadays all play a big part in my inspiration for this new undertaking.

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