Sometimes I want to write deep, spiritual, eloquent, really beautiful blog entries...I tried...and then deleted all of them. So here it is.
We will no longer be parents in December. We are sad about it, of course. But we are oh so happy for so many other reasons right now! Here they are...
1. We have the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We know who we are, we know God's plan and we have great faith in everything being made right!
2. The comfort of the Spirit.
3. We are even MORE in love with each other ;)
4. We have the support and love of our incredible families.
5. We have the ability to be GRATEFUL and we use it!!!
6. We have a grand eternal perspective.
7. We live in San Diego.
8. We know this is where we need to be!
9. We live a mile away from the beach!!!!
10. Starry night is hanging in our living room now;)
11. Flowers are on our table from those who love us.
12. We have awesome furniture that we did not pay for:) (thank you Mama, Stephanie, and Grandma Flo;)
13. We have frozen grapes...our new favorite thing!
In short we are so blessed! We know that everything will work out the way that Heavenly Father plans for it to. We are so happy and so grateful to know that He is guiding our lives here on earth:)