Tuesday, January 5, 2021

December (2)

There are a few things that I've started and they've held as traditions for birthdays but this could change next year....funfetti pancakes (I always burn the first batch!?) for breakfast + a funfetti cake for later, and a scavenger hunt for presents! 
I am all funfettied out! The girls love it all though.  

Sia on her hunt and opening her animals....lots of animals for her birthday this year! 

Noelle's birthday on Christmas day:) 

Crafting snowflakes and drinking hot chocolate with Tia Sophia and Grandma!

pretty kitty boy

gingerbread cookies on Christmas Eve Day

beautiful handmade pillow from Aunt Lili! 

Christmas EVE!!! I'm sure someone has a better picture than this one...:) timer...

Mom opening Disneyland photo book.
I got a video of her reaction to her Christmas photo book 
(a gift from me, Lil and Soph) but I won't show it here;) 

matchy PJS.....................BEAN BAG FOR GALS!
Grogu for Grandma and Grandpa 

Family reunion and DONUTS this year with Great Grandma Florence.
SO good.  

Christmas in the garage this year with Tia Stephanie, Avo and Tio Nelio. 



Christmas morning 2020

Noelle using Christmas presents right away:) 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

December (1)

 These elves... are crazy! They brought beddys, books and gingerbread houses.  They got creative with snow and jewelry and the tooth fairy even left Noelle's money with one of them! 

The girls have been doing an acting class at Gallo and we saw this scene on our way back one day & had to take a picture for the Daddy!!!

My sweet walking buddy/poser Sia 😄I love this kid.  

We did things this Christmas season! Grandma and Tia Sophia got all organized and made cinnamon ornaments for us and we just came over and glitterized them! I need to take pictures of those...
OH! And Jethro came to me! It was a great moment.  He wanted me to get him a cookie.  BUT I will take this progress.  He grabbed my hand, led me over and actually let me pick him up 😊

Gwinna art

Sia trying to curl her hair 🙄

Sia's forts...so great

sticker day 😝


playing with dad's new workout equipment 

hard working hippo

Halloween has made a new friend 😀

Christmas program day

😂😖an interesting year

Grandma and Tia Sophia lighting candles for both of our girls:) 

SUGAR COOKIE DAY! Too much fun! 

love my new snowflake...thanks Mama! 

Disney Christmas sing along

magnet girl dolls...thanks Mama!

making checking the mail a special family event with umbrellas 💫

Nutcracker with Sia😘

Just listened to the words of our sweet Prophet and leaders for Christmas devotional. Feeling good, happy, focused on all of the right stuff! Ha! Now, to make it last... during our sacrament meeting at home today we discussed NEVER CEASING to pray for charity. Feelings of love can dissipate too quickly. The Spirit can leave so fast. We have to hunger & thirst after righteousness... and not let up on it. It has to be constant, consistent & it truly takes a TON of effort to be this focused. Of course I compare it all to working out. My bike. Ugh. It was so hard at first, hurt me even! In the beginning..not on the right settings and height so it hurt more than helped but now I’m in my groove and I don’t rely on motivation anymore to get on because I truly have grown to LOVE it & discipline takes over on the days that I don’t want to love it 🤣🤣🤣🤣 
Same with spiritual days. It really is so much easier just to be fed up with life, the mess, the chaos, the arguing, the judgements, the blaming, the awful parts. So much easier!!!! It takes a spiritual discipline and daily built in habits to grow to LOVE choosing the right & being good and choosing good! Ugh. So hard. And I’m ashamed to say that I am still struggling to get in these great habits that will bless and carry my family through the hard! Why!? Such a struggle. This stay at home action has been a wake up call of sorts about how important this all is though. We are in a state of governing ourselves, our households, our habits & I have a love/hate relationship with it simply because I am a lazy, natural man. I am grateful for the challenge though. Grateful for an amazing eternal partner to do this with & baby girls to guide in it. Humbled. Daily humbled by it all but so very grateful too. 
Here’s something. I like myself way more when I write & reflect & actually study the scriptures. I honor & respect myself as a daughter of God ... I give myself permission to be an imperfect human being trying with all she has to love God & just get better at living a happy, loving life. 
Make it a SINCERE study
Pray to love those you need to love or feel affection for
Gwinna- 8
Noelle - 6
Sia- 4
What makes a present special?
Gwinna - “quality and cuteness and if you can hold stuff in it, like a mini backpack”
Noelle- thoughtfulness
Sia- “if they got a cute baby Yoda stuffed animal”
Favorite Christmas tradition?
Gwinna- opening presents 
Noelle- my bday 
Sia-“ finding the elves!”
If Santa got stuck in chimney how would you help him get out ?
Gwinna- butter and he would slide out 
Noelle- glass of water and punch him out 😳
Sia - hold his hand and pull him out 
Favorite thing about Christmas break...
Gwinna - Christmas!
Noelle - that it’s almost Christmas
Sia - hot chocolate 
Best gift given
Gwinna-one direction blanket for Noelle 
Noelle-lol box for Gwinna 
Sia-unicorn mini backpack for Gwinna