Wednesday, April 8, 2020


15th - Noelle loses her first tooth
16th - Gwinna loses her 3rd tooth
18th - Doctor Dolittle as a family
24th - Gwinna loses 4th tooth! And I realize she has lost 3 out of 4 of them at school!  For some reason I feel guilty about this.  Mom guilt is an odd thing. Growing up too fast, they are!

Going away for a few hours with Tia Stephanie...those thrilled faces! 

funny guy

Sia in her dress made by Aunt Lili! Now picture Remi in it...🤣

Christmas circus game from Grandma for our little stacker baby:)

cozy life

January 31, 2020
Today me and Michael started our discussion talking about Nephi and how he spoke with soberness when necessary and right and that we can be brave and do it too:)  We talked about our parenting and how we can both improve in it.  Michael brought up a moment that he'd forgotten to tell me about.  He said one night when the girls were eating brownies and ice cream he noticed Sia had finished hers and looked disappointed about it, of course... soon after and without hesitating Noelle slid close to her and start scooping some of her dessert into Sia's bowl.  A few minutes later Gwinna did the same thing.  He got teary and so did I... they are great little souls and picking up on the good things, thankfully.

Book of Mormon
I am teaching the 16 and 17 year old kids this year in church so I am going to leave this right here.
We are writing our testimonies down in January and again in December of the Book of Mormon.

My testimony of the Book of Mormon (written when I could not sleep)
It is true, it is powerful and it has changed my life over and over. When I read it I immediately do feel closer to my Father in Heaven.  I feel peace and warmth and like all will always work out.  I feel the Spirit and I know that I am loved in such a profound way that I cannot even begin to describe.  Every word of it feels like personal scripture to me in the moment I read it.  It answers my questions, calms my fears and worries and shifts my whole world to give me the right perspective when I am struggling to find it.  As odd as it may sound when I read I feel like I'm standing next to the ocean.  I feel so small in the grand scheme of things but truly fearless and full of faith that there is something so much greater than whatever problem I may be working through.  I'm floating, worry free. 
I love it.  The lessons it teaches, the beautiful stories of our Savior, the fearless prophets of God and their inspiring stories.  It is true and I know it.  I write this testimony in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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