I had a MONSTER hamburger after I birthed our sweet Noelle and a few large,great hospital meals after that...I got italian ice more than once & a really great piece of banana bread AND a really huge breakfast the next day! Also, everything tasted DIVINE to me! I had never felt such hunger as after this extremely fast, perfect, just-what-I-wanted birth of our Noelle Dahlia Silva.
I guess this post is a follow up of details that I do not want to forget or leave out. This time toward the end of my pregnancy I drank Earth Mama (third trimester) tea. Good stuff that I looked up right after my mama told me about it. I also decided after my first 15 weeks of nausea that I would work out as much as possible this time around so that is what I did! I did old school The Firm with Susan Harris 3 times a week, still my very favorite video. I also found a really great prego yoga routine by Lara Dutta (that Gwinna also LOVED) that I did twice a week. I ate much better than the first time around. We would eat really well during the week and splurge on weekends! krispy kreme, sweet tooth fairy etc....
I am not sure how much of what I did contributed to how quickly everything went but I would like to think that it did help. Noelle came 2 days early & I pushed for around 20 minutes. I also did not get very painful contractions until about 2 1/2 hours before which was so great and such a difference from the labor I went through with Gwinna. That was truly a marathon. 36 hours.
NO drugs.
I showed up too late to even let them ask me if I wanted them which was so great!!!
Poor Michael. I really did not intend to wait until the last last second but it did happen that way.
Poor Michael. I really did not intend to wait until the last last second but it did happen that way.
SO many huge blessings!!!
natural birth
healthy baby girlfriend
almost 2 weeks to recover before we traveled
Gwinna was so good!
No epidural or need to worry about one
No need to worry about being induced
we were able to watch UFC on the 26th:)
I also forgot to mention in the birth story that we did not know we were going to have a girl!
The amazing women around me that counted for me and encouraged me throughout the birth announced "and its .... another girl!!" So sweet.
Also fun & embarrassing to note: my hair was in tiny braids and I probably looked like a 12 year old and I was wearing soft cheetah print pjs that I had gotten from our sister Stephanie.
Not quite the cute picture perfect Christmas morning as I had planned.
Not quite the cute picture perfect Christmas morning as I had planned.
A much better and lovelier Christmas day than I could have ever planned!
Gwinna was in love with her "baby baby" immediately.
We all love our Noelle!
you are truly amazing!! no drugs! I am in awe on your strength!