We are praying for Boston.
not for the city, really but for those who have lost their loved ones. Also for those who have lost their legs or arms, whose lives will never look the same again. Their lives feel very dark in this moment & they NEED all of the good vibes, positive energy, light & love that we can possibly send their way.
In this past general conference we were told that we need to be ready at any time to answer the "reason for the hope" that is in us.
I have felt this morning that it is a GOOD time to answer this for anyone who may wonder.
I was a very happy girl in high school. Does, or did anyone ever wonder why (I wonder) ... ? :)
The reason for this great hope & happiness in me centers around my Savior, Brother & Best Friend Jesus Christ. I lean on Him and look to Him in everything. I believe in the Atonement. Not only did He suffer for my short comings, He also experienced grief & darkness for me. He did this so I would know misery with His arms around me all the way through it!
My burdens are lightened moment by moment with this gift of knowledge.
This is only a part of my testimony that I was blessed to share with those in Boston for 18 months of my life.
I am so grateful for truth & the many opportunities to share how it strengthens me.
I am so grateful for truth & the many opportunities to share how it strengthens me.