Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 March started with rain, neighborhood friends, rollerblading and homeschooling continuing on. . . 

A lot of playing at Grandma's house this month.  

When we are outside Uncle Brett is teaching the girls how to ride! 

He is too much fun!!! 

When we go in we are snuggling babies and baking/decorating sugar cookies with direction and help from Tia Sophia! 


flowers from my Lils sister

Michael Joe's 36th! Looks the same as last year when covid hit.  
We like at-home, low-key partying with just us!

Noelle helping me make grapefruit juice.  She squeezed all of this! 
It was not the best, but it was fun to make:) 
Their cousin Nano was sweet and told me it tasted just like grapes! haha😆

First day back to school (March 15th) was a pajama day! PERFECT way to ease back in.  
They are only back for 3 hours which is a perfect way for ME to ease back in. 

back to pictures of Sia and the kitty boy :)

First hunt of the season set up by their sweetest primary leader Yuphaa!!!
Right in our own front yard and she did it all secretly and then called me to let me know. So awesome.  

I love garlands apparently...and even more with the holidays.  
Easter tree;)