Tuesday, February 19, 2019


100th day of school

Thank goodness Sia is in love with our Silkie chicken
 (my failure of a desirable white elephant gift)

Gwinna brought in Sia for her show and tell
High fives all around :)

outfits 😄



sugar cookies with my sisters

These girls got these elves last year from their Tia Stephanie and now expect them to be moving around everyday in December:) A LOT of work, yet fun to come up with things and see their faces happy in the morning:) 

Gallo waiting for Gwinna

We bought a pink tree for the girls room this year and I LOVE it.
I did not think I could ever love an artificial tree so much!

Our first Silva Injury Law Christmas dinner!!!:) 

Peppa pig and pink pancakes for Sia's third birthday:) 

Gingerbread houses (love the small ones) and Hilmar Cheese.

Santa at church